Heavens and
Earth created in six days and not eight
The Qur’an
mentions in several places that the heavens
and the were earth created in 6 days but in
Surah Fussilat it says that the heavens and
the earth were created in 8 days. Isn’t this
a contradiction? The same verse also says
that the earth was created in 6 days and
then later on the heavens were created in 2
days. This is against the Big-Bang theory
that the heavens and the earth were created
1. Heavens and the Earth created in Six days
I do agree that the Qur’an says that the heavens and the
earth were created in 6 days i.e. 6 epochs and it is mentioned in
Surah Al
A’raf chapter 7 verse 54
Yunus chapter 10 verse 3
Surah Hud
chapter 11 verse 7
Surah Al
Furqan chapter 25 verse 59
Surah Al
Sajdah chapter 32 verse 4
Surah Qaf
chapter 50 verse 38
Surah Al
Hadid chapter 57 verse 4
The verses of the Qur’an which according to you say that
the heavens and the earth were created in 8 days are Surah Fussilat
chapter 41 verses 9 to 12
"Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two
days? And do ye join equals With him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds;
He set on the (earth) mountains standing firm, High above
it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured therein all things
to give them nourishment in due proportion, In four days, in accordance
with (the needs of) Those who seek (sustenance)."
Moreover, He Comprehended in His design the sky, and it had
been (as) smoke. He said to it and to the earth. "Come ye together,
willingly or unwillingly. They said: "We do come (Together), in willing
So He completed them as seven firmaments in two days and He
assigned to each heaven its duty and command and We adorned the lower
heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the decree of
(Him) the exalted in might, full of knowledge." [Al-Qur’an 41:9-12]
On the face of it, it seems that these verses of the Qur’an
give the initial impression that the heavens and the earth were created in
8 days.
Allah says in the beginning of this verse that those who
exploit this information contained in this passage to raise doubts about
its authenticity are equally interested in promulgating blasphemy and
denying His unity. Allah is telling us that in course of time, there will
emerge unbelievers who will make use of this apparent contradiction.
2. Summa means moreover
If you analyse these verses carefully, it speaks about 2
different creations: the earth and the heaven. The earth excluding the
mountains was created in 2 days and the mountains were set on the earth
standing firm and blessed and measured its sustenance in 4 days. Therefore
the earth along with the mountains was created in 6 days according to
verse 9 and 10. Verse 11 and 12 says, moreover the heavens were created in
2 days. The Arabic word used in the beginning of verse 11 of Surah
Fussilat is summa which means; ‘then’ or ‘moreover’. There are certain
Qur’anic translations, which have, used ‘then’ for the word summa which,
indicates ‘afterwards’. If ‘then’ is wrongly used for summa then the total
of the creation of heaven and earth will be 8 days which will conflict
with other verses of the Qur’an which says heavens and earth were created
in 6 days and will also conflict with the Big Bang Theory as well as the
verse of the Qur’an Surah Al Ambiya chapter 21 verse 30 which says that
heavens and the earth were created simultaneously.
Therefore the correct translation of the word summa in this
verse would be ‘moreover’. Abdullah Yusuf Ali has rightly translated the
word summa or moreover which clearly gives an indication that while the
earth along with the mountains, etc. was created in 6 days simultaneously
the heavens were created in 2 days. Therefore the total does not come to 8
days but 6 days.
If a builder says that he will construct a 10 storey
building and surrounding compound wall in 6 months and after completion of
his project he gives a more detailed account saying that the basement of
the building was built in 2 months and the 10 storeys took 4 months and
simultaneously, while the basement and the building was being constructed,
he also constructed the surrounding of the building along with the
compound wall which took 2 months. Therefore both his first and second
descriptions are not contradicting but the second statement gives a more
detailed account for the construction.
3. Heavens and the Earth created simultaneously
The Qur’an describe the creation of the universe in several
places, sometimes it says the heavens and the earth (7:54, 10:3, 11:7,
25:59, 32:4, 50:38, 57:4) while in other places it says earth and the
heaven (49:9-12, 2:29, 20:4) thus further supplementing the verse of Surah
Al Ambiya chapter 21 verse 30 which speaks about the Big-Bang and that the
heavens and the earth were created simultaneously.
Similarly in Surah Al-Baqara chapter 2 verse 29
"It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on
earth; Then He turned to the heaven and made them into seven firmaments.
And of all things He hath perfect knowledge." [Al-Qur’an 2:29]
"It is who has created for you all things on the earth
summa simultaneously made the heaven into seven firmaments".
Here also if you wrongly translate summa as ‘then’ only
then would this verse contradict the Big-bang theory and other verses of
the Qur’an. Therefore the correct translation of the word summa is
‘moreover’ or ‘simultaneously’.
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