The Qur’an
says that only Allah knows the sex of the
child in the womb of the mother but now
science has advanced and we can easily
determine the sex of the child in the womb
by ultrasonography. Isn’t this verse of the
Qur’an conflicting with medical science?
Does only
Allah know the sex of the child in the
mother’s womb?
Allah is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Allah has granted
knowledge of certain things to humankind. But Allah has knowledge of the
seen as well as the unseen.
1. Allah has knowledge of all things
Many people believe that the Qur’an claims that Allah alone
knows the sex of the child in the mother’s womb. The Glorious Qur’an says:
"Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It
is He who sends down Rain, and He who knows what is in the wombs…."
[Al-Qur’an 31:34]
A similar message is given in the following verse:
"Allah doth know what every female (womb) doth bear,
By how much the wombs fall short (of their time or number)
or do exceed. Every single thing is before His sight, in (due)
[Al-Qur’an 13:8]
2. Sex can be determined by Ultrasonography
Today science has advanced and we can easily determine the
sex of the child in the womb of a pregnant mother, using ultrasonography.
3. The word ‘sex’ is not mentioned in the verse of the Qur’an
It is true that many translations and commentaries of this
verse of the Glorious Qur’an say that only Allah knows the sex of the
child in the mother’s womb. If you read the Arabic text of this verse,
there is no Arabic word corresponding to the English word ‘sex’. In fact
the Qur’an says the knowledge of what is in the womb is with Allah alone.
Many commentators have misunderstood it to mean only Allah knows the sex
of the child in the womb, which is a mistake.
4. No one besides Allah can determine the nature of the child
This verse does not refer to the sex of the child in the
womb but it refers to, how the child in the mother’s womb will be. How
will his nature be? Will he be a blessing or a curse to his parents? Will
he be a boon or a bane to the society? Will he be good or evil? Will he go
to heaven or hell? The complete knowledge of all things is with Allah
alone. No scientist in the world, no matter how advanced his equipment,
will ever be able to accurately determine the knowledge of these things
about the child in the mother’s womb.
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